Press Release
Brussels, 24 November 2023
Also on #CoRplenary agenda: Cities and Regions for International Partnerships Forum, and proposals on fisheries, Green Deal, digital resilience, and gender-based violence.
The European Committee of the Regions will on 29 November lay out its position on the long-term future of cohesion policy – the largest item in the European Union’s budget – with recommendations that emphasise the fundamental importance of maintaining substantial regionally targeted support so that the EU’s regions can address structural challenges such as climate change, digitalisation and depopulation.
Adoption of the opinion – drafted by Vasco Alves Cordeiro, President of the European Committee of the Regions, and Emil Boc, Chair of the COTER Commission – will follow a debate with representatives of the EU law-making bodies: Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Younous Omarjee, chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development, Mercedes Caballero, Secretary General of EU funds of Spain, holder of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
On the second day of the plenary, 30 November, the spotlight will turn to the EU’s efforts to localise its Global Gateway initiative, with President Cordeiro welcoming Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, for the opening of the Cities and Regions for International Partnerships 2023 Forum, which is co-organised by the European Commission and the CoR. This will be Ms Urpilainen’s last public speech as a European Commissioner prior to taking leave to run for the presidency of Finland.
The biennial event brings together hundreds of local and regional politicians from the EU, Africa, Asia and Latin America to discuss how city-to-city and region-to-region cooperation can contribute to sustainable development and address global challenges. Cooperation between sub-national administrations in the EU’s neighbourhood will be the subject of one of the legislative opinions scheduled for adoption by the CoR.
Follow the plenary on the CoR website
29 November, 4.40 p.m.: Debate on the future of cohesion policy, with representatives of the European Commission, the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, and Elio Di Rupo (BE/PES), member of the CoR and minister-president of Wallonia, who will lead the work of the forthcoming Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU on cohesion policy.
30 November, 11.30 a.m.: Opening of the Cities and Regions for International Partnerships 2023 Forum: ‘Localising Global Gateway’, with Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, followed by a debate with members of the CoR and participants of the Forum.
- “The future of cohesion policy post-2027?” Co-rapporteurs: Vasco Alves Cordeiro (PT/PES), President of the European Committee of the Regions, and Emil Boc (RO/EPP), mayor of Cluj-Napoca.
- “Boosting lasting and effective cross-border cooperation with our neighbours.” Rapporteur: Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis (FR/EA), president of the Corsican regional authority.
- “Promoting cultural policies in rural areas within the framework of development and territorial cohesion strategies and the 2030 Agenda.” Rapporteur: Csaba Borboly (RO/EPP), president of Harghita County Council.
- “The Common Fisheries Policy: towards sustainable and resilient coastal communities in the EU.” Rapporteur: Jesús Gamallo Aller (ES/EPP), director-general for External Relations and Relations with the European Union, Region of Galicia
- “Towards a multilevel Green Deal governance: the revision of the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action Regulation.” Rapporteur: Joško Klisović (HR/PES), president of the Assembly of the City of Zagreb.
- “European Hydrogen Bank.” Rapporteur: Arianna Censi (IT/PES), deputy mayor of Milan.
- “EU Cyber Solidarity Act and Digital Resilience.” Rapporteur: Pehr Granfalk (SE/EPP), member of Solna Municipal Council.
- “The EU Anti-Corruption Framework.” Rapporteur-general: Jean-Luc Vanraes (BE/Renew Europe), member of Uccle Municipal Council.
- “Stopping gender-based violence – cities and regions leading the way.” Rapporteur: Donatella Porzi (IT/PES), regional councillor for the Region of Umbria.
- “The role of cities as health promoters.” Rapporteur: Adam Banaszak (PL/ECR), member of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Regional Assembly.
- “2022 Annual Report on Competition Policy.” Rapporteur: Antonio Mazzeo (IT/PES), president of the Regional Council of Tuscany.
- “Building a values-based, bottom-up European sports model: a vehicle for encouraging inclusion and social wellbeing among young Europeans.” Rapporteur: Roberto Pella (IT/EPP), mayor of Valdengo.
Practical information:
Date: Wednesday, 29 November – Thursday, 30 November 2023.
Location: Paul Henri Spaak building – Hemicycle, European Parliament, 60 rue Wiertz, B−1047 Brussels
Webstreaming: On the website of the CoR.
Background material: The plenary agenda and opinions and amendments.